Publication details

Sigma receptor as a potential target for cardiac remodelling



Year of publication 2022
Type Conference abstract
Description Although sigma receptors were originally proposed as a new subtype of opioid receptors, intensive research revealed that they represent unique ubiquitous receptors with several subtypes, specific tissue distribution and pluripotent functions. Primarily, they are located on endoplasmic reticulum membrane, where they function as ligand-operated molecular chaperones. In addition, they interact with numerous proteins in other organelles. In the heart muscle, type 1 of sigma receptor dominates. Sigma 1 receptor modulates calcium signalling in cardiomyocytes, regulates response to endoplasmic reticulum stress, and eventually affects function of voltage-gated ion channels. Since recent studies identify crucial role of cardiac sigma receptors in the development of cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure, their targeting may shed light into the processes of cardiac remodelling.
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