Publication details

Aristotele e le «Sententie di Tullio», Seneca e altri filosofi nel ms. I.VI.22 della Biblioteca Comunale degli Intronati di Siena

Title in English Aristotle and the «Sententie di Tullio», Seneca and other philosophers in MS I.VI.22 at the Biblioteca Comunale degli Intronati in Siena


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Codex Studies
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords manuscripts; textual criticism; italian literature
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Description The article studies a little known manuscript, i.e. MS I.VI.22 at the Biblioteca Comenale degli Intronati in Siena, identifies the second work of the multi-text codex for the first time, that is the so called "addition" to the agli Ammaestramenti degli antichi, implicitly rejects its misattribution to Bartolomeo of San Concordio, and provides an edition of the text.
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