Publication details

Upražnenija po leksika (bălgarski ezik kato čužd za naprednali)

Title in English Vocabulary exercises (Bulgarian as a foreign language for advanced students)


Year of publication 2022
Type Teaching aids, texts (including individual chapters in textbooks)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description ulary exercises (Bulgarian as a foreign language for advanced students)" is an exercise book intended primarily for foreign students of Bulgarian in the academic sphere (students of higher Bulgarian studies courses, master's programs in translation, etc.), students of Bulgarian as a foreign language at the C1-C2 level of the European Reference Language framework, but also to bilingual individuals whose first language is Bulgarian, but who grew up in a non-Bulgarian environment. The main goal of the publication is to expand and enrich the vocabulary of the target students and at the same time bring them closer to selected Bulgarian realities.
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