Publication details

Differences in the induction of apoptosis after treatment with gamma-irradiation and C2-ceramide

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Year of publication 1999
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Fundamentals for the assesment of risks from environmental radiation
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Biophysics
Description Cell death in organisms can be caused by two distinct mechanism: apoptosis and necrosis. These two processes were studied in human leukemic cell lines HL-60 and U-937 after exposure to g-radiation (6 Gy) and C2-ceramide (mM). Apoptosis was induced by C2-ceramide treatment in both cell lines, whereas after g-irradiation it was detected only in U-937 cells, whereas HL-60 cells died by necrosis. The different behaviour of U-937 and HL-60 cells is apparently caused by differences in expression of some protooncogenes in the two cell lines. Two different apoptotic pathways may exist: one, observed only after the exposure to C2-ceramide, is ceramide-induced apoptosis and the other, observed after g-radiation treatment, is p53-ependent
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