Publication details

Compétences clés des futurs enseignants de FLE : l’apport des textes littéraires choisis

Title in English The key skills of future FFL teachers developed through the literary texts


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Neofilolog
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web Odborný časopis Polské neofilologické společnosti.
Keywords reading literary texts; training future teachers; global skills; key skills; pedagogical mediation; didactic reflection; communication in a foreign language; cultural awareness and expression
Description This study presents an example of pedagogical mediation during which various skill sets (global, professional, key, etc.) are being developed through a number of selected literary texts. Pedagogical mediation is understood as a thoughtful process during which students develop the self-awareness in the role of foreign-language and foreign-culture mediator by acquiring the skills necessary for their personal and professional growth, using the full potential of literary texts. At the same time, by deepening the receptive language skills, reading of texts develops also the productive language skills, i.e. speaking and writing, and to the awareness of students’ didactic thinking.

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