Publication details

Hans Belting: Visionary without Borders. Remembering the Author of the Bild-Anthropologie



Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Critical Inquiries in Medieval Culture
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Hans Belting; Anthropology of Image; Power of Image; Virtual Images; Image and Mortal Body
Description On January 1st and 2nd 2023, I had the pleasure of meeting Hans Belting – who left us on January 10 – for the last time. It was a dense meeting: we concluded a long interview that had lasted since 2017, a discussion that over time became more of a dialogue between friends. Excerpts of this extended interview will soon be published (The Presence of Images. Hans Belting in Dialogue with Ivan Foletti, Rome/Brno, forthcoming). We went through photographs from his youth to more recent years, discussing what art history and Bildwissenschaft were and what they have become. When I left, I was convinced we would have the occasion to meet again. Although we will not, we had the chance to say goodbye, in a way, to each other through this friendship: we discussed images, our shared passion, and remembered the old masters of our discipline. It was the best “goodbye” I could have received.

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