Publication details

Perception of the Environment



Year of publication 2023
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Institute of Computer Science

Description This chapter discusses the intricacies of cybersecurity agents' perception. It addresses the complexity of perception and illuminates how perception is shaping and influencing the decision-making process. It then explores the necessary considerations when crafting the world representation and discusses the power and bandwidth constraints of perception and the underlying issues of AICA's trust in perception. On these foundations, it provides the reader with a guide to developing perception models for AICA, discussing the trade-offs of each objective state approximation. The guide is written in the context of the CYST cybersecurity simulation engine, which aims to closely model cybersecurity interactions and can be used as a basis for developing AICA. Because CYST is freely available, the reader is welcome to try implementing and evaluating the proposed methods for themselves.
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