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Středověk (jinak) trvá #7 Centrum, periferie, nebo most mezi Evropou a Asií? Tsromi a Gruzie.
Title in English | The Middle Ages (differently) last #7 Centre, periphery or bridge between Europe and Asia? Tsromi and Georgia. |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2022 |
Type | Popularization text |
MU Faculty or unit | |
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Description | Medieval monuments of the South Caucasus have long been one of the research interests of the Centre for Early Medieval Studies. This seemingly remote region had more in common with the medieval Mediterranean than might at first appear. In the first half of the seventh century, a truly impressive and precisely crafted building was built at Tsromi at the request of Stephanos II. The apse is dominated by a mosaic of a standing Christ holding a scroll - an image well known, for example, from late antique Rome or Thessaloniki. How far did artists' workshops travel, and how far could their craftsmanship spread? Was medieval Georgia a cultural and geographical periphery, or an important stop along the Silk Road? What did the production of glass mosaics entail, and could the choice of medium itself be an expression of political and religious affiliation? And what does Tsromi have in common with Moscow's Temple of the Russian Armed Forces? Listen to the seventh installment of the podcast "The Middle Ages (Differently) Last" with art historian Ivan Foletti and archaeologist Jiri Machacek. |