Publication details

Filmová hudba ve vzdělávání: Kde, jak a proč pracovat s filmovými soundtracky?

Title in English Film Music in Education: Where, How and Qhy to Work with Film Soundtracks?

MUSIL Ondřej

Year of publication 2023
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Music in film, TV series, advertising and computer games has certain features that are common to the named types of audiovisual production. It is a special symbiosis of visual and sound components, the specific functions by which music is guided (compared to autonomous concert music), and especially its great popularity across generations. The last-mentioned feature is, after all, crucial for the success of film music in education, although not 100% necessary. With the webinar, we will try to look into the world of film music with its specifics and possibilities, which can be taught very successfully and, to a large extent, with their help make teaching attractive across educational levels. The questions "Why?", "Where?" and "How?" are woven throughout the webinar as basic indicators for the successful use of film music in the education.

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