Publication details

Meč s litou rukojetí z Jezeří v Krušných horách

Title in English Full-hilted sword from Jezeří in the Ore Mountains


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pravěk - Nová řada
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Urnfield period; Knovíz Culture; solitary deposit; bronze sword
Description The full-hilted sword was found outside the area where urnfield period settlement components are documented in the northwest Bohemia. The placement on a steep slope, in the context of a prominent rock formation and with visual contact to the dominant peak of the Bohemian Central Highlands supports the assumption that this is a votive solitary deposit. The sword was fully functional and, according to the preserved traces, was used in combat. From the typological point of view, it extends the group of ca. 20 Aldrans type swords found in Europe; a detailed analysis of the decorative elements shows that the closest analogies to the presented sword can be found east of Bohemia – in Moravia and Slovakia.

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