Publication details

Castelcorn 400 / Milovník krásy

Title in English Castelcorn 400 / Admirer of Beauty

MUSIL Ondřej

Year of publication 2024
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The birthday celebrations of the patron of Kroměříž, Bishop Carl of Liechtenstein–Castelcorn, in the Assembly Hall of the Archbishop's Castle Kroměříž were accompanied by a concert by the ensemble Societas Incognitorum under the baton of Eduard Tomaštík. The program consisted of the composition by the Olomouc composer and bandleader Philipp Jakob Rittler "Harmonia Genethliaca", which he composed on the occasion of Bishop Karel's 50th birthday. It was the renewed premiere of the work after 350 years. The reprise took place on April 19 as part of the music festival Olomouc Musical Spring (St. Wenceslas Cathedral in Olomouc). In both performances, Rittler's mass was supplemented by two chamber sonatas by the same author, a solo entry by the theorbist Marek Kubát, and chorals performed by tenor Ondřej Múčka. The author of this record took the bass part in the vocal ensemble.

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