Publication details

Filipika na ochranu ochrany

Title in English Conviction of the need to protect protection


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Antitrust
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Keywords antitrust; sustainability; prioritization; gender issues; privacy
Description Competition law should not be "bartered" and instrumentalised to achieve non-competition goals. The anonymous parametric effect of competition should not be confused with the pursuit of other direct normative objectives. Evaluative considerations then become confused and contradictory, leading to arbitrary (and ultimately political) decision-making. No sector of law or no part of legal regulation can avoid natural evolution in response to changing social conditions. However, it must not lose its essence and core function and dissolve into the operational micromanagement of current socially supported issues. Society should not deprive competition of its functionality as a necessary instrument of self-regulation, nor should it weaken its legal protection.

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