Publication details

Film Music Analysis for Educational Practice


MUSIL Ondřej

Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Brun (145) - Gershwin (125) - Kadosa (120): Tanulmánykötet
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords film music; music analysis; music education; music genres; emotions; locations; diegesis
Description The contribution focuses on the educational use of film music, i.e., the various approaches teachers may choose when working with this kind of music production. It explains the advantages of film music in education compared to other types of music and presents film music not as a specific genre but rather as an intersection of genres where we find both mainstream and avant-garde production, not to mention all kinds of world and ethnic music. In this regard, certain film soundtracks, which are probably generally known for pupils/students, can help get the listeners closer to genres they may not like but might accept as a part of a complex film work. The second part of the paper aims at chosen functions that music takes on in a film. The interpretation of those functions is supplemented with audio-visual examples and possible use options in education.

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