Publication details

Symbolism and strategies of love in Inner Asian perspectives

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Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Love is often conceived to be the most powerful actor obviously organizing human societies and politics. But especially in East Asian cultures the emotional and romantic context of love do not dominate. This paper was focused on Inner Asian examples how cultural attitudes are changing the principle of love back into the role of hidden actor and driver. In Asia the suppression of individualized love and main focus on family and clan matters are transforming love to transpersonal negotiation and strategy, where the hidden driver of love still serves and regulates biological goals. In this regulative function and on the level of international royal marriages it may serve as a tool against the war in tributary relations or on the contrary as a cause of war if the demand for particular marriage was not accepted. Nevertheless detailed comments provided in this paper and description of historical examples from Inner Asian empires are still depicting love as an ultimate principle accompanied by special eugenical symbolism. Particular symbols like the couple of geese and other auspicious signs are expressing special poetics and beauty, where the mixture of passion, pain, happiness or sorrow is an integral part of the aesthetics of love at Inner Asian royal courts.
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