Publication details

Active commuting as a work-related mobility option



Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Description Walking, cycling, and using public transportation are one of the modes of transport for part of the population in the commuting system. To achieve sustainable urban mobility objectives, political discussions have focused on promoting cycling, walking, and using public transport in cities. These modes of transportation are also attractive ways of commuting to and from work. In the literature, this mode of commuting is referred to as active commuting. The knowledge of the spatiotemporal patterns associated with active commuting is essential for comprehending the functionality of the city, which is a concern of local planners. This presentation examines the spatio-temporal patterns and practices of active commuting and evaluates their significance in the context of sustainable urban mobility. The research seeks to shed light on: (i) the understanding spatiotemporal situations and individual practices associated with active commuting to work; (ii) the overall representation of active commuting in the commuting system using the case study in the Brno Metropolitan Area (Czechia). The empirical research is based on data collected from questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews carried out in 2023. Based on the data, three categories of active commuting were identified, namely pragmatic active commuting, combined active commuting, and physical active commuting, which differ in the duration of the journey, its structure, used transport mode as well as in motivations

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