Publication details

Výživné neprovdané matky - promlčení, prekluze a zásada nemo pro praeterito alitur

Title in English Alimony for unmarried mothers - statutory limitation and the principle of nemo pro praeterito alitur


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Právní rozhledy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Keywords maintenance for umarried mothers; statute of limitation; right to equal treatment; nemo pro praeterito alitur
Description In Czech law, the traditional rule prohibiting the retroactive maintenance award is regulated in § 922 of the Civil Code. The new Civil Code has extended the application of this rule to alimony obligations towards an unmarried mother (§ 920 of the Civil Code) and, at the same time, established a special rule for its application (§ 922 (2) of the Civil Code). However, Czech legal scholarship does not agree on the way this rule should be applied. The text argues in favour of an interpretation according to which the rule nemo pro praeterito alitur does not apply to the alimony of an unmarried mother and the rules on the limitation of alimony as a recurrent payment apply.

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