Publication details

Pracovní kůň v zemědělství : Výhody a úskalí zemědělství s nízkou uhlíkovou stopou

Title in English The Workhorse in Agriculture : The Benefits and Pitfalls of Low-Carbon Farming


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference ENKOVSKÁ KRAJINA 2024 - Sborník příspěvků z 19. ročníku mezinárodní mezioborové konference 31. května – 1. června 2024 ve Vyškově, Česká republika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Keywords agriculture; ploughing; horse; draft horse; alternative agriculture; agricultural machinery
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Description This paper deals with the issue of the use of the workhorse in agriculture. It examines farmers' attitudes and compares them with each other. Based on the analysis of the semi- structured interviews, the following themes were identified: Motivations for starting horse farming in agriculture, Starting horse farming - the need for start-up capital, The reality of low-carbon farming - advantages and disadvantages, Prerequisites for horse farming, Farm economics, Benefits of working with a horse in the fields, When is a horse better than a tractor?, The Ploughman - an endangered species? and Reasons for persistent motivation. The positives and negatives of using a working horse are identified.
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