Publication details

Communicative competence of future specialists in the information and digital educational environment


SHUPPE Liudmyla KOVAL Valentyna SOTSKA Halyna TRYNUS Olena MELNYK Anna

Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Amazonia Investiga
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords communicative competence; future specialists; information and digital educational environment; virtual educational environment; cloud services
Description The article proves the importance of communicative competence for future specialists and shows the importance of principles for improving communication skills in order to bring them to the level of competence, the components of communicative competence areconsidered. The role of the information and digital educational environment for creating favorable conditions for the formation of communicative competence of future specialists is shown. The main organizational forms of education and the role of ICT, virtual learning environment, media educational technologies in the formation of communicative competence of future specialists are substantiated. The implemented and experimentally verified author's method of forming the communicative competence of future specialists in the information and digital educational environment led to a significant increase in the level of mastery of the system of theoretical knowledge in the disciplines of optional and mandatory educational components, methods of conducting training classes. The obtained quantitative indicators of the communicative competence of future specialists in the information and digital educational environment, introduced innovations in the theory and practice of pedagogy, methodology and training methods in the conditions of digitalization showed the effectiveness of the author's method developed by us.

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