Publication details

Čapkovo Povídání o pejskovi a kočičce v adaptaci pro cizince z hlediska metafor a frazeologismů

Title in English Čapek's Povídání o pejskovi a kočičce Adapted for Foreigners: A Perspective on Metaphors and Phraseology


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XVI. studentská vědecká konference Katedry českého jazyka a literatury
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web Čítárna Munispace
Keywords Metaphors, Phraseology, Idioms, Povídání o pejskovi a kočičce, Josef Čapek, Translation Theory, Translation Process, Adaptation
Description The text primarily discusses adapted books for foreigners and the methods used to modify original Czech literary works into versions tailored for non-native speakers. The key focus of the article is a comparison between the original and adapted versions of Josef Čapek’s Povídání o pejskovi a kočičce. Specifically, it examines language units and the use (or avoidance) of figurative expressions in both texts. This research aims to explore the viability of the chosen topic. The findings will serve as a basis for comparing other adapted works for foreigners across various language proficiency levels (A1–B2 based on the CEFR).
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