Publication details

Položková analýza některých subtestů české verze inteligenčního testu WISC III.

Title in English Item analysis of some subtests of Czech version of WISC III.


Year of publication 2000
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Československá psychologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Psychology
Keywords WISC III; intelligence test verbal subtests; eight-year old children
Description The goal of the research was to evaluate the Czech translation of the verbal subtests (Information, Similarities, Vocabulary and Comprehension) of an intelligence test WISC-III in the population of Czech children. It was found that the order of items does not bit to the original intention to order the items from the easiest ones to more complex ones. There are also some key words, which are obsolete for contemporary children and it would be appropriate to replace them.
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