Publication details

L'entendement cartésien vu a travers le prisme de la philosophie de J. Locke: La clé

Title in English The Cartesian Understanding in the Philosophy of J. Locke: The Key of Words to the Soul


Year of publication 2000
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference L'esprit cartésien: Quatrieme centenaire de la naissance de Descartes
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords Descartes; Locke; soul; perception; language; dubito; tabula rasa; metaphysical dualism; God; Morality; cogito; self; Spirituality; Trinity; understanding; intuition; knowledge; thinking
Description Both thinkers are connected by the concept of "idea", the triadic scheme of being (self, God, world), as well as by three wasy of knowledge. Locke is nearer to Cartesianism than it is acknowledged by the "isms" of the time. Locke is a leading precursor of the Enlightenment.

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