Publication details

Quantum disentanglers

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Year of publication 2000
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Physical Review A
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Theoretical physics
Description It is not possible to disentangle a qubit in an unknown state \ psi > from a set of N-1 ancilla qubits prepared in a specific reference state \0 >. That is, it is not possible to perfectly perform the transformation (\ psi ,0,...,0 > + \0,psi,...,0 > +...+\0.0,...,0 psi >) --> \0,...,0 > circle times \ psi >. The question is then how well we can do? We consider a number of different methods of extracting an unknown state from an entangled state formed from that qubit and a set of ancilla qubits in a known state. Measuring the whole system is, as expected, the least effective method. We present various quantum ''devices'' which disentangle the unknown qubit from the set of ancilla qubits. In particular, we present the optimal universal disentangler which disentangles the unknown qubit with a fidelity that does not depend on the state of the qubit, and a probabilistic disentangler which performs the perfect disentangling transformation, but with a probability less than 1.
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