Publication details

Developmental Consequences of ipt Activation in Germinating Tobacco Seedlings


BRZOBOHATÝ Břetislav GENKOV Todor Nikolaev MOORE Ian DUBOVÁ Jaroslava NEJEDLÁ Eliška MALBECK Jiří VÁGNER Martin

Year of publication 2001
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 17th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances, Brno, Czech Republic, July 1-6, 2001, Abstracts
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Genetics and molecular biology
Keywords transcription activation system; isopentenyl transferase; cytokinins; tobacco; Arabidopsis
Description A transcription activation system based on a synthetic promoter pOp and a corresponding chimeric transcription activator LhG4 was employed to achieve regulatable expression of isopentenyl transferase, IPT, in transgenic tobacco. The system allowed us to analyze in detail developmental consequences of ipt activation in germination and early seedling development. Here we present analysis of (i) dynamics of changes in cytokinin metabolism upon ipt activation and (ii) subsequent chain of developmental alterations leading to transition from originally almost normal seedling to a completely distinct teratoma structure. Major differences in tobacco and Arabidopsis response to ipt activation during germination will be discussed.
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