Publication details

Ab initio calculations of theoretical tensile strength in metals and intermetalics


ŠOB Mojmír FRIÁK Martin WANG Ligen G. VITEK Vaclav

Year of publication 2001
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Computational Modeling of Materials, Minerals, and Metals Processing
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Solid matter physics and magnetism
Keywords tensile strength; intermetalics; ab initio; theoretical tensile strength
Description Theoretical tensile strength in W, NiAl and transition metal disilicides MoSi$_2$ and WSi$_2$ with C11$_b$ structure is calculated. In W and NiAl, we consider uniaxial tension along [001] and [111] directions. Calculated results compare favorable with experimental value of 24.7$\pm$3.6 GPa obtained for tungsten whiskers grown along the [110] direction. Similarly, in NiAl, the 'hard' orientation [001] differs very significantly from the [111] orientation ($\sigma^{th}_{001}$ = 46 GPa, $\sigma^{th}_{111}$ = 25 GPa). This anisotropy is explained in terms of higher-symmetry structures present or absent on the calculated deformation paths. In disilicides, the theoretical strength is calculated for [001] loading ($\sigma^{th}_{001}$ = 37 GPa and 38 GPa for MoSi$_2$ and WSi$_2$, respectively). The role of relaxation of internal structure parameter is discussed and changes in bonding conditions during the tensile test are analyzed.

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