Publication details

K (ne)pohyblivosti přízvuku (typologická poznámka)

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Title in English On (un)mobility of Accent


Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Čeština - univerzália a specifika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Field Linguistics
Keywords accent; mobility; unmobility; Czech
Description The article draws attention to the function of accent as a phonological segment (the paper uses Louis Hjelmslev's terminology), based on a comparison of two typologically related languages: Vedic Old Indo-Aryan and Czech. Is Czech accent a paradigmatic member or is it just a variant of another member? The first section of article is a short sketch of Vedic system of accent. Vedic accent is movable and we suppose that only the movable accent has a phonological function. Czech accent segment is not movable; therefore we presume it is just a variant of another phonological segment. This precondition is based on the word-distinction function of Czech accent which leads us to the conclusion that this segment is just a variant of diereme.
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