Publication details

Motivace žáků k učení a jejich sociální pozice ve školní třídě (poster)

Title in English The pupils`motivation to learn and their social position in the classroom


Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Plaňava, I., Pilát, M. (Eds.). Děti, mládež a rodiny v období transformace. Sborník prezentací na sympoziu pořádaném ve dnech 19.-21.9. 2002 FSS MU Brno
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Psychology
Keywords level and structure of pupil`s motivation for learning; affective; effective and cognitive motivations; social position in the classroom
Description The paper informs about a research of pupils` motivation to learn and their social position in the classroom. We investigated the level and the structure of motivation of the second grade children (8-9 grades), we focused on their own perspective as well as on the differences between sexes. We also investigated how the positions are distributed in the classrooms and whether the pupil`s position relates to his/her influence and popularity. One of the research goals was to explore whether the students` motivation to learn is related to their social position in the classroom.
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