Publication details

Induction of apoptosis in human cervix carcinoma cells during therapy by cisplatin



Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Cancer Detection and Prevention
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Genetics and molecular biology
Keywords activated caspases; cytochrome C release; DNA replication; mitosis; nucleolar segregation; PARP-1 degradation
Description The aim of the therapy of human malignancies is the inhibition of cell proliferation and/or induction of apoptosis. We studied the kinetics of the morphological and biochemical changes in HeLa cells during chemotherapy by cisplatin. Apoptosis was evaluated by scoring of cells exhibiting changes characteristic for early and late stages of apoptosis as determined by Hoehst 33258 staining and by examination of positive reaction for activated caspase-3. Expression and intracellular localization of distinct proteins eas analyzed by immunoblotting of subcellular fractions and segregation of nucleoli by immunocytochemistry.Chromatin fragmentation characteristic for apoptosis was observed in single cells after 3h cisplatin. A strong cytoplasmic accumulation of cytochrome C detected by immunoblotting 6h post-treatment was accompanied by an activation of caspase-9. Neither inhibition of cell division nor blocking of DNA replication preceded the onset of apoptosis, Our results show that after short treatment by cisplatin cell proliferation and apoptosis concomitantly occurred
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