Publication details

On the analysis of adsorption behaviour of some biologically active substances of electrodes



Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 35 th Heyrovský Discussion togrther with the 6 th International Microsymposium on Electrochemical Impedance Analysis. Abstracts
Field Biochemistry
Keywords two-dimensional condensation; adsorption of nucleic acid components;
Description Mercury drop electrode is most suitable metal electrode for the study of adsorption and nucleation/growth processes. With SMDE it is very easy to achieve clean and ideally smooth electrode surface at given potential within voltammetric potential range. This could be utilised for extensive adsorption study using potential step technique. Most suitable method is the measurement of the dependence of electrode impedance on DC potential and time after potential step. The main advantage of this method is, that it is sensitive to the state of adsorbed layer. An application of relatively simple model on the experimental data could give information about the adsorption mechanism (kinetics measurement) and interaction parameters of molecules on the surface. Solid metal electrodes are attractive because most of those are not toxic and are mechanically stable. On the other side it is not possible to achieve surface quality (smoothness, cleanness) similar to mercury droplet and renew the surface under given potential is also very problematic. High surface roughness introduces so-called "geometrical factor" in electrode impedance and makes the analysis of data much more complicated. Therefore together with impedance, other voltammetric techniques are used. Most of them are sensitive to the change of the state of adsorbed layer. They are especially suitable for the study of fast processes with charged molecules.
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