Publication details

Preparation of Mesoporous Metallophopshate Materials

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CHROMÁ Markéta PINKAS Jiří ROESKY Herbert W.

Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Euregionale 2003 Book of Abstracts
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Inorganic chemistry
Keywords Mesoporous; Metallophosphate; Synthesis
Description Mesoporous materials are high surface area solids characterized by monosized cylindrical pores, ranging from 2 to 50 nm in pore diameter, with long-range order in the pore packing. Inorganic pore walls are amorphous. For the preparation of mesoporous materials we have used a new synthetic strategy - supramolecular templating.1 This new approach is based on the presence of surfactants in a solution. Surfactants form in the solution central structures - micelles - about which then originate inorganic mesostructures from solubilized inorganic precursors. The surfactant removal from pores of mesostructure materials - usually by calcination, alternatively by solvent extraction or ozone treatment - lead then to mesoporous materials. Homogenous precipitation method2 with urea served us to prepare aluminium, zirconium, chromium, copper, cobalt and nickel mesostructured materials using a geminal anionic surfactant C12H25OPO(OH)(OCH2CH2)3OPO(OH)OC12H253 as structure-directing agent. The last, but the most important step in the preparation of mesoporous materials is the surfactant removal. However, we have not yet been able to find applicable method for surfactant removal from mesostructured materials without the collapse of the inorganic mesostructures: calcination, solvent extraction, ozone treatment and oxygen plasma treatment did not work for us, therefore we proposed chemical route for surfactant removal - by trimethylbromosilane. However, this method leads also at least to the partial mesostructure collapse.
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