Publication details

Risk and protective factors of personality development of children from various ethnic groups


SMÉKAL Vladimír SMÉKAL Vladimír DVOŘÁKOVÁ Antonie GRAY Hilary MAREŠ Jan LEWIS Christopher A. (eds.)

Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Together we will learn. Ethnic minorities and education.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Psychology
Keywords development; morities; minority education; risk and protective factors
Description The paper in this volume was presented at the conference: Minorities in a multicultural society, which was the culminating event in the project: The encouragement of the optimal development of personallity and intellect of socioculturally disadvantaged children as a way towards respecting human rights. The paper is based on two years of research project focused on early school children. The research project was conducted from Department of psychology from the Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic and supported by psychologists from the Universities of Ulster and Nottingham in the UK. The project was funded by the British Foreign Office Human Rights Project Fund, and the conference also by the Council of Europe, by the Czech Ministry of Schools, Youth and Sport, and by the City of Brno.
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