Publication details

Alkohol a drogy v těhotenství. Rozdíly mezi nekuřačkami a kuřačkami

Title in English Alcohol and Drugs Consumption During Pregnancy. Differences Between Non-Smokers and Smokers

KUKLA Lubomír HRUBÁ Drahoslava TYRLÍK Mojmír

Year of publication 1999
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Alkoholizmus a drogové závislosti
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Public health care, social medicine
Keywords ELSPAC; pregnancy; alcohol; drugs; smoking
Description In the ELSPAC study, women`life style before pregnancy and during the 1st and 2nd trimester period is identificated in details. In average, three quarters of all women have reported the alcohol consumption before pregnancy. During the 1st trimester about one third of women continue to dring alcohol beverages and even during the 2nd trimester period 16 % of pregnant women reported alcohol consumption. Prevalence of alcohol consumers was significantly higher among smokers than among non-smokers. The prevalence of fetal intrauterine growth retardation was higher among daily consumers (OR 2,0 among those daily exposed to alcohol during the 1st trimester,OR 2,8 among exposed also during the 2nd trimester).Levelsd of birth weight, body lenght and head circumference were in average similar for babies born to women without alcohol consumption and for those born to daily consumenrs. On the other hand, all these antropometric parameters were significantly higher among babies born to occasional non-smoking consumers of alcohol. The higher prevalence of placental abnormalities (OR 1,4) and of congenital malformations (OR 1,9) were observed among women who consumed alcoholic beverages daily during pregnancy. In average, less than 1 % of women reported they used marihuana befor and during pregnancy : almost all of them were cigarette smokers and/or passive smokers. The similar levels of prevalence were observed among using drugs for better sleeping and for stimulation.

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