Publication details

K roli ICT v klíčových oblastech fungování školy a její kultury

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Title in English On the role of ICT in the key areas of school operation and its culture


Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 11. konference ČAPV: Sociální a kulturní souvislosti výchovy a vzdělávání: Sborník referátů
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords ICT; school; school management; headmaster; school culture; learning; teaching; teacher
Description The contribution is one of the partial outcomes of a three-year project called Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and School Culture (Towards the Role of Informational and Communication Technologies in the development of Czech school culture). The results of the pre-research phase indicate the areas seen by the headmasters as showing significant potential for ICT, but also the areas perceived as being limited and the overall significance of ICT for the development of school and its culture.
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