Publication details

Silexartefakte aus der ältesten und älteren LBK Fundstellen in Brunn am Gebirge in Niederösterreich (Vorbericht)

Title in English Flint artefacts from earliest and early Linear Pottery Culture sites at Brunn am Gebirge in Lower Austria


Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Antaeus
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Linear Pottery Culture; Mesolithic; Early Neolithic; Distribution of raw material; lithic artefacts; Szentgál Radiolarite; Trapezes; Brunn; Lower Austria
Description Linear Pottery Culture, Mesolithic, Early Neolithic, Distribution of raw material, lithic artefacts, Szentgál Radiolarite, Trapezes, Brunn, Lower Austria
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