Publication details

Determination of free and total sulphur dioxide in wine samples by vapour generation inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry

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Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Analytic chemistry
Keywords sulfur dioxide; wine; vapour generation; ICP-OES
Description Sulphur dioxide is used as a preservative and stabilizer in wine production preventing must and final product from undesired biochemical processes. Concentration of sulphur dioxide is restricted by national regulations. There are two main forms of sulphur dioxide in wine: free (inorganic forms) and bound (fixed to organic compounds like aldehydes). Iodometric titration method is commonly employed for determination of SO2 concentration (either by direct titration or using pre-separation by distillation) or other alternative techniques are used. In this work inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometry with vapour generator was applied for determination of free and total SO2 in wine. Gaseous SO2 is released from the sample by means of addition of acid and swept into the ICP by argon stream. Intensity of sulphur atomic emission lines is measured in vacuum UV region. For determination of total SO2 hydrolysis of bound forms by sodium hydroxide precedes. Concentrations of acid for vapour generation and sodium hydroxide for hydrolysis were optimised. Methodology was applied for determination of free and total SO2 in red and white wine samples and results were compared to those of iodometric titration.
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