Publication details

Maladaptace dětí v prostředí základních škol

Title in English Maladaptation of basic school pupils


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Heller, D., Procházková, J., Sobotková, I. (Eds.). Psychologické dny 2004: Svět žen a svět mužů. Polarita a vzájemné obohacování. Sborník z konference Psychologické dny Olomouc 2004.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Psychology
Keywords symptoms of maladaptation; school achievement; intelligence; achievement motivation; externalistic attribution; internalistic attribution
Description The research was carried out at elementary schools. The children were aged from 9 – 15. We classified main typical categories of psychological stress at pupils by the means of comparison analysis of 4 typical stress situations at schools; by suggesting of solution of the stress situations we explored how the pupils coped with the stress. The results proved that the greatest resource of psychological stress is the sphere of achievement at school and bullying by schoolmates and the consequent fear. It turned also out that poor school performance did not often correspond to child’s intellectual capacity and that such pupils were typically characterized by a low level of achievement motivation, by external attributions, and by lower acceptance of responsibility for their own behaviour. Having identified the causes of maladaptation leading to psychological load and stress, we were brought to reflecting the ways how to modify maladapted pupils’ behaviour.
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