Publication details

Animal behavioural models of depression


ŠULCOVÁ Alexandra

Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Depressive disorders: from neurobiology to pharmacological treatment
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Pharmacology and pharmaceutical chemistry
Keywords depression; behavioural models; animals
Description Overview of the following models: a) Bilateral Olfactory Bulbectomy in rats or mice (1907),b) Mother-Infant Separation in rhesus monkeys (1959); c) Learned Helplessness in dogs and rats (1976); d) Forced Swim Test (Behavioural Despair) in rats and mice (1977) e) Chronic Mild Stress in mice and rats (1984) f) Drug-withdrawal-induced anhedonia (1980) ; g) Tail Suspension Test in mice (Restraint Stress) (1985); h) Psychosocial stress in rodents (resident-intruder test; agonistic behaviour) (1993).
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