Publication details

Ukřižovaný. Olt. z V. Brodu. Veraikon. M. doudlebská. M. z Č. Krumlova. Assumpta z Bílé hory. Nejsv. Trojice z Opavy. Bolestný Kristus.

Title in English Crucifix. Altarpiece from z V. Brod. Veraikon. Madonna from Doudleby. M. from Č. Krumlov. Assumpta from Bílá hora. Trinity from Opava. Man of Sorrows.


Year of publication 2006
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Nine entries for the catalogue of the exhibition "Silesia, the pearl in Bohemia's Crown. Three periods of mutual artistic relationship" (Legnica/PL and Prague, 2006).
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