Publication details

Využití Operačního programu Lidské zdroje a zaměstnanost pro rozvoj lidských zdrojů na úrovni Jihomoravského kraje

Title in English Use of Operational program Human resources and emyployment for development of human resources at the Southern Moravian region level

PÓČ David BAKOŠ Eduard

Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Česká ekonomika v procesu globalizace
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords public sector;human resources development;EU structural programs;operational programs
Description With the beginning of new programmatic term 2007-2013 there is unique opportunity for the Southern Moravian region being opened in the area of the human resources development in the form of newly constituted operation programs using the EU structural funds.Basic priority for regional self government is to use not just adequate financial instruments on regional level (Regional operational program),but also to fully use potential of the national operational programs-in this regard especially Operational program Human resources and employment.For optimalization of the available financial sources allocation there is composed important strategic document on the Southern Moravian level-Southern Moravian Strategy of Human Resources Development 2006-2016.On the basis of outcomes adopted in this document there should be realized differential forms of support from the side of relevant regional institutions (like departments of Southern Moravian office,Regional development agency or Business and entrepreneurial chambers) towards subjects whose programs will correspond with priorities given in strategic document.

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