Publication details

Strategický dokument v oblasti rozvoje lidských zdrojů na úrovni kraje a jeho využití pro efektivnější alokaci finančních prostředků z evropských fondů

Title in English Strategic document in the human resources development area on regional level and its use for more effective allocation of financial sources from the European funds

PÓČ David

Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Vzdělávání úředníků ve veřejné správě (VIII.konference Olomouc 2006)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords strategic document,human resources,EU structural funds,regional development
Description To optimize usage of available fiscal sources all the regions in the Czech Republic should have had composed a long term strategic material for the human resources development area. According to priorities set up in such a document regional governments should be able to effectively allocate sufficient funds to projects or operations that are in harmony with given priorities. This course of action is very important because of the new EU program period where EU structural funds will be available for regional governments.

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