Publication details

Studium stavu a změn litorálních ploch

Title in English Study of present state and changes of litoral areas


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Geoinfo
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Land protection
Keywords Remote sensing – water body – wetland – temporal changes
Description Wider (on Landsat 1988 and 1995 imagery) and closer (on aerial photography from 1949, 1967 and 1995) vicinity of protected fish ponds Velký a Malý Tisý in Southern Bohemia was subdued to an experiment focused on testing RS suitability for identification and evaluation of water objects in the landscape. Consequent application false colour composition, pseudocolour table and multi-temporal analysis led to distinguishing studied classes of land cover and their development in course of time. Remarkable growth of open water bodies and wetlands was detected.

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