Publication details

Organizační spravedlnost jako zprostředkovatel vztahu mezi nástroji ŘLZ a organizačními výstupy

Title in English The organizational justice as a mediator of the relationship between the HRM practices and the organizational outputs


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Mezinárodní Baťova doktorandská konference. Recenzovaný sborník abstraktů z konference studentů doktorandského studijního pragramu.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords organizational justice attitudes behaviour fairness organizational outcomes
Description This article should introduce the construct of Organizational Justice. Many empirical studies have proved the existence of the causal relationship between the perceptions of Organizational Justice and positive organizational outcomes (as attitudinal changes, behavioural changes, changes in quantity, quality and efficiency of the outputs). This variable, expressing the fairness in the organization, will be, among others, included in my dissertation as one of the mediators of the relationship between the Human Resources Management and some chosen Organizational outcomes.
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