Publication details

Kontakty Baťových závodů se SSSR za působení Jana A. Bati - návrh smlouvy o technické pomoci

Title in English Contacts of Baťa´s Companies with Soviets under the Management of Jan A. Baťa - Proposal of Technical Aid Agreement

MAREK Martin

Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Jan Antonín Baťa - život a dílo, pokračovatel práce Tomáše Bati
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field History
Keywords Jan A. Baťa; economic history; commercial relations with Soviet Union
Description The aim of this study is to show active attempts of Baťa companies to enter Soviet market under the management of Jan Antonín Baťa. The article concentrates on the proposal of Technical Aid Agreement in which the company offered to the Soviet side the construction of factory with minimum daily production of 20 000 pairs of shoes. What more the agreement contained the offer to supply the plan of retailers` system and their professional training schemes. In accordance to direct payments for this service the company also demanded a yearly contract for the supplies of shoes from Zlín. This meant as a compensation for given know-how. Although the project had never come into existence its content clearly indicates the courage and selfconfidence the firm possessed when attempting to reach an international trade exchange.
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