Publication details

Proteomics: Technology, science, or a thing of future?

Title in English Proteomics: technology, science, or a thing of future?


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 1st Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference and 3rd Czech Proteomic Conference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Biochemistry
Keywords proteomics; problem selection; systems biology
Description The adjective "proteomic" has been used for projects making use of complex protein composition analysis methods for twelve years. One of aims of current advanced proteomics should be the involvement of these methods in broader system-biologically oriented projects to answer complex, but exactly targeted biological questions. In this lecture, the efforts of Laboratory of Proteomics at Institute of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University in Brno since 2001 are mapped. From the optimization of laboratory protocols involving two-dimensional gel electrophoresis with carrier ampholytes and immobilized pH gradients, through analyses of Paracoccus dentrificans bacterial membrane samples, via identification of proteins typical of various P. denitrificans growth modes, via studying sulfur and iron oxidation pathways in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, to the analysis of protein expression and phosphorylation variations in WBF344 cells. Additionally, we cooperate with Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute in Brno on identification of new biomarkers of various solid tumors using SELDI-TOF MS. For all projects, contributions of proteomics to answering the complex biological questions will be reviewed. Advantages as well as drawbacks of applied methodological approaches and their applicability in routine clinical practice will be discussed. Additional discussions will be hold about questions concerning the scientific problem selection in proteomics.
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