Publication details

Sociální partnerství jako prvek rozvoje venkovského regionu: Případová studie projektu celoživotního vzdělávání

Title in English Social Partnership as Principle of the Rural Region Development: Case study of a LifeLong Learning Project


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sociální ekonomika, sociální podnik a sociální kapitál
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Sociology, demography
Keywords partnership; Life Long Learning; initiation of the partnership; management of partnership; added value of partnership; critical aspects; principles of EQUAL
Description The goal of the text is the analysis of the partnership between the main public and private subjects (stakeholders) under the perspective of new governance approaches and decentralized public administration. The reasons of the analyzed partnership are the realization of the Life Long Learning projects in the conditions of the rural regions. Central task of the study is the demonstration of typical aspects of the initiation as well as the management of the relatively successful developmental partnership. Besides, the interests are also the added value for the each participating subject and critical aspects in different levels of the cooperation. Main idea of the text is the message of crucial importance of the human capital in the partner organization for realization of similar projects. Analysis is based on the questionnaires and structured interviews with all twenty subjects of the partnership.
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