Publication details

Leisure time and development of leisure activities by ELSPAC respondents at 11,13,15 years



Year of publication 2008
Type R&D Presentation
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description In the paper we deal with problems of spending leisure time, especially by leisure activities, thein characteristic, structure and their development with regard to the age of the child. Data were obtained within international project ELSPAC. Analysing leisure activities we assume that dutiny personality development of an individual structural changes in interests occur, but also changes in organization of free time, yet these changes are not explicitly products of changes in interests, but partly products of personality development. At 13 and15 years there are activities mostly organised by children individually and they depend slightly on parents and school. Leisure time performs educational, health and social function. It contributes to formation of relationships, it helps to strengthen the relationships, it develops abilities, strengthens moral character, satisfies human needs and forms value interests. The way of spending free time of children and adolescents is influenced by social environment. Especially strong is the influence of the family, company and contemporaries.
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