Publication details

Změny kvality hlasu učitelů měřené DSI ve vztahu k učitelské profesi

Title in English Changes of the voice quality of teachers using measures DSI values considering particularities of the pedagogical profession


Year of publication 2008
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The paper deals with the research of changes of the voice quality of the teachers with respect to their professional efforts. In the first research phase during the last year, voice records of the 65 teachers have been gathered. These records have been analyzed and the voices have been characterized using DSI (Dysphonia Severity Index) values. The same teachers have been DSI tested again this year and the changes in DSI have been evaluated. In addition, voice records of a new group of teachers have been gained and analyzed. Those records together with records obtained by repeated tests next year will contribute to the reliability of DSI characteristics. With each voice recording teachers subjective information concerning his voice have been gained. The results of tests indicate certain changes in DSI values due to straining of voices of teachers. The changes of DSI values indicate necessity of the voice therapy
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