Publication details

Analýza výdajů na ŽP z místních rozpočtů Jihomoravského kraje

Title in English Analysis of Municipal Environment Expenditures in The South Moravian Region


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Nové trendy - nové nápady 2008. New trends - new ideas 2008. 3. mezinárodní vědecká konference. Sborník abstraktů
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Management and administrative
Keywords municipal environment expenditures;municipalities in the South Moravian Region;efficiency indicators
Description One of actual issues of present times is of the efficiency increase concerning the public expenditure allocation in the environmental protection area. Paper is oriented on research and structure of environmental expenditures and optimization possibilities of expenditures programs in given segment with use of the sustainable development concept in the South Moravia Region. In paper are also compared municipal expenditures of all seven districts of South Moravia region.
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