Publication details

Komunikační dovednosti, dramatická výchova a divadlo fórum

Title in English Communication skills, drama education and Theatre Forum


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference K sobě, k druhý, k profesi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords Communication; skill; drama education; Theatre Forum; pupil; theacher; exercise
Description In the following text we introduce the subject 1. Comunication Skills the goal of which is attaining basic knowledge and skills concerning teaching communication at school (verbal and non verbal communication on all levels: teacher pupil, teacher teacher, teacher parent, teacher school management), problem situations at school, their solution etc. ; Drama Education (DE) aimed at personal, moral, social and esthetic development.; 3. Theatre Forum for a distant view of a problem, seeking for possible solutions, find the courage to stand up to the conflict and solve it. As we always add practical exercise to the theoretical knowledge (the authors are faculty lectors), we present some of them.

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