Publication details

Býčí skála and other caves in the Middle Danube region: Dating rock art.



Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Rock art in the frame of the cultural heritage of humandkind, XXII Valcamonica symposium.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Rock art, radiocarbon dating, Býčí skála, Middle Danube region
Description Direct dating by radiocarbon confirmes the Aeneolithic age of geometric patterns on walls of the Býčí skála Cave, Moravian Karst. However a Palaeolithic age of other paintings and torch traces in other eastern Central European caves remains possible and will make object of further research. In addition, the paper discusses a variety of rituals performed in deep cavities during the Neolithic/Aeneolithic period in the Middle Danube region.

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