Publication details

Osvícenství a vznik veřejného zdravotnictví

Title in English Enlightenment and formation of health service.


Year of publication 2009
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The enlightenment brought about a new view of life and its values; the till then glorified baroque pattern of poverty, recollection, and submission to destiny was replaced by own initiative, education, and economizing with time and health. Man, as individual, obtained price as he/she could participate in the national welfare, however, on condition he/she was healthy and could produce healthy descent. The Medical Regulation for the Bohemian Kingdom of 1753 yet reflected not only the new state intentions, but also the real status of the health care in Bohemia. In the Medical Regulation for the Austrian Empire of 1770 the new role of the empress is distinct as well as the network of public health facilities just being established.
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